Materials and videos

Download videos, speaker presentations and other additional materials for attendees directly to their offices on RegToEVENT

Materials and videos

After a successful event, providing access to materials and videos can greatly increase the value of your event to attendees.

With our service, organizers can easily upload and distribute presentations, books, checklists, instructions and other important documents. In addition, attendees can view recordings of presentations, allowing them to re-immerse themselves in key points of the event or catch up on what they may have missed.

Participants do not need to re-register or use other platforms to view these materials. All necessary files and videos are available directly in the personal account on RegToEVENT, which is automatically created during registration for the event.

How it works?

Downloading materials

Downloading materials

After the event, the organizer uploads presentations, books, checklists and other documents directly into the event settings in his or her office on RegToEVENT, and attendees can download them for review or work with these files.

Adding videos

Adding videos

Speaker presentations can be downloaded as links to videos that will be available for viewing directly in participants' personal accounts, with no direct downloading or distribution possible.

Access Setup

Access Setup

The organizer can configure access to the materials by ticket type or availability of an additional option and set the terms of availability of the material for viewing.

Messages from participants

Notification of participants

Participants automatically get access to the materials in their cabinet without the need for additional notifications from the organizer or additional registrations and requests from the participant.

Benefits for the organizer

Benefits for the organizer

Holistic approach

All event materials in one place, making it easy to manage them, no need to use additional services or notify participants separately.

Time saving

No need to spend time sending materials to everyone individually or setting up access on different platforms.

Access control

The organizer can limit access to materials depending on the type of ticket, set accessibility terms, and from 1 cabinet only one user can view video materials at a time, it is impossible.

Content protection

Videos are available for viewing without the ability to directly download or distribute. A watermark with participant data adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized screen recordings.

Benefits for participants


Participants get access to all materials without having to re-register. Everyone is automatically created a personal account when they register for the event, where they can find all the resources they need.


You can easily download all presentations, documents and other supplementary materials as files to your own device for later use. This is especially useful for those who want to save important information for later viewing.


Each participant gets access only to those materials and for that period, which were provided by his ticket type, according to the organizer's settings. And video recordings are protected from elementary downloading and distribution to third parties.

Benefits for participants

Posting materials in participants' rooms gives them the opportunity to review additional information and gain a deeper understanding of the topics discussed. This allows them to continue their learning and development even after the event is over. They will be able to view the most important parts of the presentation, or perhaps your participant only purchased a video recording at all because they were unable to attend the event.

And for the organizer, it's a great opportunity to solve the issue of accommodation, speed up the process of uploading all materials in one place, differentiate access and save money.