Poster of events

Announce your events and invite guests to all events with active registration at once

Poster of events

If you are organizing a series of regular events and want to familiarize potential participants with all of them at once, it is best to use a poster for this purpose.

What you get


Centralized event management

  • All the events you created are collected in one place.

  • Easy navigation for potential participants, which increases interest.

Easy integration

  • The page can be easily integrated into your website with a special code.

  • Possibility to add a link to the poster in announcements and advertisements.

Increase visibility

  • All your events are collected on one page, which makes it easier to get acquainted with them.

  • Visitors can quickly find information about events, which increases the likelihood of their participation.

Easy registration and ticketing

  • Visitors can read the details of each event.

  • Ability to register and purchase tickets directly on the poster page.

Dynamic update

  • Event information is automatically updated when you create or modify an event in RegToEVENT.

  • Displaying only active events (those where registration is open or will be open soon).

Such a poster is suitable for organizers of numerous regular events, because only your events, and there will be no links to events of other organizers. All events you create in RegToEVENT will be displayed on a shared page that you can integrate into your website or add a link to it in announcements and advertising.

A visitor to such a page sees a list of all your active events (those for which registration is currently open or registration is currently open or will be opened later) and can read detailed information about each of them. If the visitor is interested in a particular event, he or she can immediately register and purchase a ticket.

How it works

  • Create events

    The organizer creates events in the RegToEVENT system. Each event contains all the necessary information: date, time, place, description, ticket price, registration form, online payment, etc..

  • Automatic display on the poster

    All created events automatically appear on the poster page. The organizer can customize the order and visibility of events.

  • Integration and distribution

    A special code is generated to integrate the poster into the organizer's website. Or you can simply add a link to the poster in announcements and advertisements.


What are the advantages of such a poster

  • If you have regular events with overlapping target audiences, you can use the poster to immediately inform participants about all the upcoming events you plan

  • This is a poster for your events only. There will be no announcements of events by other organizers, so you don't have to worry that the participant will prefer your event to some other one

  • Convenient integration with your website, or the ability to use it as a separate page via the link

  • The ability not only to inform participants about upcoming events, but also to register and sell tickets immediately.

  • All registrations of participants are saved to the crm system in the same way as for other types of integrations, and the funds are transferred directly to the organizer's account.

How to use the event poster

event poster
  • Register as an organizer in RegToEVENT

    Create your account if you haven't already.

  • Add your events

    Add all your events that you want to announce.

  • Customize your poster

    View your poster and customize its appearance as needed.

  • Integrate the poster into your website

    Use the generated code for integration or share the link.

  • Spread the word about your poster

    Add a link to the poster to all your promotional materials and announcements.

Make your events more visible and accessible to your potential participants withRegToEVENT!

Create an event

*It's free and painless )