Exporting and importing data

Export the participant base to a tabular file and work with it as you see fit.

Or, conversely, import your own.

Експорт та імпорт даних
Pеєстрація учасників

All participant registrations that you collect using the forms are generated as orders and stored in the CRM system where you can conveniently work with them.

Each organizer has access to the order database 24/7 and can find the required registration by name or surname of the participant, the company he represents or by his contact details: by mail or phone.

You will have various filters available to sort registrations: by event if you have several, by ticket type or availability of additional options, by promo codes applied by participants, by order status, date or amount, etc.

If you need to print these data for some internal processes in your team, or just to process them in some additional way and you find a tabular file more convenient and visual - you can download all these data to Excel and work with the file. Depending on the selected file type for export, it will contain different information.

Types of export files

  • Check

    List of all registrations for a particular event

    For example, you need to see a complete picture of how many registrations you have, who these people are, who has already paid for the ticket and who hasn't yet. You may want to call someone and offer a promo code for a discount, or you may find duplicate registrations and want to delete them so they don't get confused in front of your eyes.

  • Check

    List of registrations with filters set

    You immediately filter only those orders that you need at the moment and upload a file with the set filters. For example, you need a list of only those who have purchased an online broadcast, or a list of only those participants who have not paid for their order. Or a list of participants who have purchased an additional option - participation in the post-conference party.

  • Check

    Exporting selected orders

    This can be a file for 1-2-3.... in short, several registrations that you have selected by checkboxes and want to download detailed complete information on them only.

  • Check

    Export of check data

    This is a separate version of the file that will contain information with the participant's data (name, mail, phone number) and a time stamp when the ticket was used, which indicates the participant's presence at the event. And if you scan badges of participants not only for entry, but also for exit, you will have a complete picture of checkin/checkout with all the marks of entry/exit of the participant at the location. And also information about which registrar checked him and which zones the participant visited.

  • Check

    Export with places or time slots

    Such files can be uploaded by those organizers who sell tickets that are seat and row specific or time specific. For example, tickets for sessions at a skating rink, a performance, an excursion, or simply record visitors. Accordingly, in such a file, it will be immediately visible to which seat the guest has purchased a ticket or to the session of what time he can use it.

You can export at any time and as many times as you like, there are no restrictions. It can be a file with or without filters. A file with complete data on all registrations, or a specific type of file, if you are interested in such a file.

In addition to the database of participants, the organizer can download an archive with all the tickets of the participants, but, to be honest - we never understood why it is for them )))

And if you had an online broadcast during which viewers could visit virtual stands of partners, accumulate points and exchange them for gifts and souvenirs from the "store" - then in the downloaded file you will see a list of logins of all participants who ordered a gift and what kind of gift, and you can contact the participant for delivery of the gift.

Backup of the member base

If you are too worried about the data collected, do not trust technology, and are afraid to wake up and access to the site is lost, there is no power, no internet, or a UFO has flown in ...

First of all, don't panic! Access can always be restored and the lights and internet will come back on))

But if you have not forgotten to connect to our chatbot assistant, then every day it will independently form a backup as of now and send you an automatically downloaded file with the base of your participants.

Even if something goes wrong or the server burns down, you always have an up-to-date backup at your fingertips.


Import of participants base by lists

Each organizer who uses RegToEVENT can not only upload a file with a database of registered participants through our service, but also vice versa - import their own, pre-collected file into our system.

Why imports are needed


The list of your guests is formed and known in advance

You were pre-registering before you came to sell tickets through our platform

In addition to the tickets sold through the website, you need to add a list of: speakers, sponsor representatives, press and also generate them free ticket invitations

You have a database of attendees from past events, you are sure that most of them are guaranteed to become attendees of your new event as well, and once the list is uploaded, a payment link will be sent out to everyone at once

You need a check-in service at the location, but the participants' tickets were sold through a different ticketing service.

You can import as many registrations as you like. You can import by distributing participants by ticket type, or by status (perhaps there are already paid tickets, and there are just regular registrations that are still waiting for payment), with or without sending a ticket.

For example, if you had a ticket sale through another ticketing platform and your participants already have ready formed tickets of this service, then accordingly sending tickets of another kind will only confuse them. Therefore, they can show tickets at the entrance of the service through which the purchase was made, and our system will scan them and treat them as "theirs" and it will be possible to print a participant's badge on the spot.

If you just have a list of guests, but they haven't received tickets yet, then immediately upon import such tickets will be generated and sent to the participants by email and sms, in order to speed up the process of checking participants at the location and not to create crowds at the entrance.

So whether you're used to working with orders in a CRM system or in a spreadsheet file, both options will be available to you, depending on your specific needs.

And if you have a guest list, but don't understand where and how to generate tickets with QR codes for them for the event - also ready to help you with this!

And if you have a guest list, but don't understand where and how to generate tickets with QR codes for them for the event - also ready to help you with this!
